

Week 01

  1. Tutorial Terminal Commands
    This is one of my recently watched video. it is very helpful for students who is very new to Linux and its basic commands. His explanations is well served and easy to comprehend.

  2. Regular Expression Tutorial
    in this video explains about regular expressions and it help me to understand about regex.

Week 02

  1. Complete Linux Course
    this video really help me to understand step by step the weekly assignment. Apart from that, in this video there is a very useful way to handle some errors on Github.

  2. Mouting VirtualBox shared folder
    This link really helped me when working on quiz 02 to move the tar file contained in the virtual machine into the local file explorer.

Week 03

  1. FUSE
    this article really help me to understand about FUSE. This article contains about definition and basic understanding of FUSE.

  2. Structure Linux File Hierarchy
    Do you know what is Linux File Hierarchy Structure or the Filesystem Hierarchy Standard (FHS)? This article really helped me to understand what is Linux FHS.

Week 04

  1. Linux Static Libraries & Dynamic Libraries
    This article contains about how dynamic and static libraries work in C programs.

  2. Learn C Programming
    This article explains how to learn C step by step with exercise. Easy to understand.

Week 05

  1. What is virtual memory?
    This article explains about the concept of virtual memory and it correlates a lot with linux. I think you will get some good new knowledge.

  2. Virtual Memory in Operating System
    This article explains about the concept of virtual memory in operating system, swapping, demand paging, etc. Very useful if u want to learn more about virtual memory in operating system.

Week 06

  1. Threads and Concurrency
    informative article that help me to understand this week’s topic.

  2. fork() in C
    Do you know what is Fork? Generally, forking can be used for creating new process called child process. This website help me to understand fork in c.

Week 07

  1. Process Synchronization in Linux
    This article explains about process synchronization in linux. Easy to understand.

  2. Semaphores in Process Synchronization
    This article explains about how Semaphore technique works and shows a bit of its implementation in C++ language. Very good article and easy to understand.